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Archive for the category “Healthy Living”

You Have Two Brains…

Did you know you have two brains?  Yes, your gut is considered to be your second brain and perhaps it is just as vital and as your first brain-the one in your head.

Here is an excerpt from bodyecology.com that explains what the role of your second brain is:

Having earned the title of the second brain, the gut is in constant dialogue with the:

  • Immune system
  • Brain and neurological system
  • Hormonal system
  • Our inner ecology

The connection between the gut and our psychology is a two-way street. On the one hand, gastrointestinal inflammation and infection can contribute to things like depression and brain fog.  On the other, mental stress or trauma can cause intestinal permeability or “leaky gut.” 

Everyday stress could cause harmless microbes in your body to become pathogenic! These bacteria will rapidly multiply and mutate, leaving you at risk for an infection.

I have experienced first hand of what a “leaky gut” can do to your body and state of mind.  It can cause you to feel tired and drained all day no matter how much sleep you get, your skin might become affected by having breakouts or rashes, you might have allergies, brain fog, negative thinking, depression and a whole list of other symptoms.  And I wouldn’t expect a Doctor to understand that all of these symptoms could be caused by a poor diet, which causes a leaky gut.  This is something that YOU have to take control of if you want to heal.

The bacteria and yeast living on your skin outnumber the cells that make up your organs and fluids in your body by 10-1.  So if you work to feed the good bacteria and replenish your body with healthy bacteria you will begin to notice a change within yourself very rapidly.  By eating probiotic rich foods you will help your body replace the bad bacteria with the good guys.
The benefits of having good, healthy bacteria populating your gut (second brain) are so incredible, your life could change dramatically for the better.  You will gain more clarity and focus in your life.  Not to mention your body will become much healthier as a result.  It will strengthen the relationship you have with yourself, spiritually and physically.
Visit my website www.divineangelhealing.com and subscribe to keep up with the latest trends in health and spirituality.

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