
Inner peace. Healing. Manifesting, etc.

Archive for the tag “affirmations”

A Powerful Affirmation that I Use

I am going to share with you an affirmation that I came up with and started using a few years ago.  Whenever I feel like I am in a negative state I recite this affirmation to myself and it helps me to get back into a positive mind frame.

It may not be a typical affirmation but I like it and I like the flow of the words.  I say it as a rhyme.  Here it is,

I AM Loving – I AM Joyful
I AM Happy – I AM Grateful
I AM Psychic – I AM Healthy
I AM Rich – I AM Wealthy


Video: Bob Proctor – The Subconscious Mind and How to Program it

This is a great video from Bob Proctor explaining the subconscious and conscious mind and how to change your programmed beliefs.

If you have been trying to accomplish something but it hasn’t come about yet, then watch this video.


Inner Peace: When Everything Seems to go Wrong

You practice your visualizations and say your affirmations religiously, and just when your life is going good, everything seems to go wrong.

When things go wrong they can seem like an exaggerated scenario of the opposite thing you wanted to manifest.

You might think you have failed, but in all reality you are probing the emotions that are buried deep in your emotional body.  You have set this scenario up so that you can release the energetic charge behind it once and for all, and this in turn will raise your vibration and allow more light and love into your being.

Gradually you will become less interested in becoming attached to the situations that once triggered your emotions.  You will become more calm and stop reacting automatically to the undesirable situations that still present themselves.

Keep your heart open and mind clear during these times and you will overcome any challenge in front of you more quickly.

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