
Inner peace. Healing. Manifesting, etc.

Archive for the tag “fear”

Why You Have Nothing to Fear

A few years ago I was driving my truck on the highway heading to the United States.  Around that time is when I was going through a major change within myself spiritually.  I was practicing being in the present moment and not “thinking” of anything else.

While I was driving on the highway, I suddenly found myself feeling this VERY deep sense of peace.  It felt like I just woke up and I didn’t remember how I was still able to drive, like I spaced out and my subconscious was driving.

When I awoke into this feeling, I KNEW that no matter what happens in my life everything will be good.  This was the most intense feeling of peace I had ever experienced even to this day.  I cannot describe it fully in human language.  All thoughts and feelings just melted away.  Even if I tried to think of a negative thought, it could not permeate that feeling of peace and love.

This feeling lasted for minutes, I’m not sure how long exactly but it didn’t matter at the time.  What mattered was that I was enjoying the experience I was having because there is nothing in the past or future that can be of benefit to me.

That experience taught me that no matter what happens in my life everything will be okay.  And this applies to everyone.  We are here on earth to have an experience and to enjoy it, when our body dies WE do not die.  We are eternal beings.  Since we are eternal, nothing can harm us.

We are guaranteed Life!  Even if the worst case scenario happens here on earth, which is death of the physical body, we will still be okay because your soul never dies.

So what is there to fear and worry about?  Nothing!  Because in the end, this life you are living here on earth is just an experience.  Why not just enjoy every moment of it, whether “good” or “bad.”

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