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3 Easy Ways To Quiet Your Ego & Mind Chatter

There are many ways you can use to quiet your ego and clear your mind, but I will list 3 techniques that I like to use myself.  This is important to do if you want to accelerate your own self-growth.

A “busy mind” will only perpetuate worry and stress in your life because the ego thinks it is protecting you from harm if it is constantly on the lookout for negative things to happen to you.  But this is not the case.  If you are always worrying about negative things and thinking about past experiences that happened to you and what is going to happen in the future, you will continue re-living the same experiences.  It is a vicious cycle you must break in order for you to live a positive life.

Negative attracts negative and positive attracts positive.  Here is a great video from Psychic-Medium Sunshine Rose talking about this subject, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vqz6qT3_6E&feature=share&list=PL690CB765EF071C85

So now that you know why you need to quiet your mind, here are 3 easy ways you can use to help you on your path of positive growth:

1) Bring your attention to your body.  Feel the aliveness and vibration within.  You can start with your hands or feet and let the vibration run through your entire body if you would like.  Look at your hands and try to notice a feeling in them, you will either start to feel warmth, tingling, cold, or like a breeze is flowing in your palms.  Hold that feeling for as long as you want, focus on it and try to feel that in the rest of your body.

Doing this will bring your attention and focus on your body, which I find allows me to stop thinking and to quiet my mind.  When you quiet your mind you open yourself up to receiving intuitive guidance.  It is important to recognize and follow your intuition to help you to live your life’s purpose.

2) Deep breathing.  Take full, deep breaths and feel the air moving in and out of your lungs.  Feel your chest and abdomen expanding and contracting.  You can also call this meditation.  Imagine you are breathing in white, healing light that is filling up your body and when you exhale, imagine all your tensions and worries are leaving you.

This will help you to relax and it will become easier to stop negative thoughts from entering your mind.  Whenever a thought comes to your mind, just gently focus on your breathing again to stop thinking.  The more you practice the better you will become.  Even if you start doing this exercise for 1 minute at a time, with practice you can increase the amount of time you go without a thought.

3) Mindful walking.  You walk so much during your day, while you are walking you can practice quieting your mind.  What I like to do is when I am walking I will focus on taking 3 steps and breathing in at the same time.  I will then exhale on 3 steps.  Focus on breathing in and out in rhythm with your steps.  This is a great exercise to keep your mind quiet because you are focusing on two things, your breath and steps.

There you have it, 3 easy ways to quiet your ego and mind chatter.  If you take time to practice any one of these techniques you will experience more peace and love in your life and be able to stay calm during situations that were once stressful to you.

I would like to know what you think about these 3 techniques and if you have any other tips to add for quieting your mind.  Please leave your comments below.


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